2017 February

Estrogen As a Neuroprotective Agent

Estrogen As a Neuroprotective Agent

Since Ed Hall and colleagues first discovered that female gerbils were relatively protected from global cerebral ischemia, compared with their male counterparts, in the early 1990s (Hall et al., 1991), gender differences […]

The Functions of Ras—part two

The Functions of Ras—part two

Morphogenesis and cell polarity Changes in the morphology and polarity of cells are clearly essential for tumor progression and metastasis. In two-dimensional (2D) culture, it has been observed that oncogenic […]

The Functions of Ras

The Functions of Ras

Ras has been described to promote proliferation, suppress apoptosis, alter cell metabolism, disrupt morphogenesis, promote evasion of the immune system, induce remodeling of the microenvironment and stimulate metastasis. These functions are […]

Epothilone B and its Derivatives as Novel Antitumor Drugs

Epothilone B and its Derivatives as Novel Antitumor Drugs

The chemotherapy of cancer strongly depends on the nature of the individual tumor under consideration. For instance, tumors located in hormone dependent organs such as the ovaries, breasts, etc. are treated with […]